Peita Vincent - The Extraordinary and Beautifully Ordinary


“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.” Benjamin Disreali

This is a tale of two friends who came together in their journey after both searching for meaning in what they do: “Having worked in organisations with varying degrees of heart, we learned enough about ourselves to know we thrive when doing a good job for people who care”.

Peita Vincent and Belinda Benson are two busy mums who are the women behind communications consultancy, Frank & Earnest, and a small magazine celebrating regional living.

In 2014, Peita and Belinda reached a point in their lives where it was time to pursue what they really wanted to be doing, “to work mindfully with an open heart, an eye on ethics and with people who are making a difference. For us, that meant a leap into small business and storytelling”. 

“Our stories connect us and remind us that we are, in fact, all in this together.” Peita and Belinda

By day they are hard at work, and in every spare moment they’re unearthing the extraordinary and beautifully ordinary stories of their community in their magazine called ‘We Are. Wagga Wagga’ where, through the power of storytelling, they are fostering the values of community connection.  

“Diversity may be the hardest thing for a society to live with, and perhaps the most dangerous thing for a society to be without.” - William Sloane Coffin Jr

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