Cathy O’Brien

contributor & content creator

Cathy is passionate storyteller and advocate for women having the opportunity to feel strength in sharing their personal story. 

She believes every woman has a unique story to tell and, while aware many women find it difficult to see value in their story, she knows from personal experience that sharing our stories is a powerful catalyst for finding a greater purpose.

Cathy is a published author in News Corp and Bauer Media. She was a guest speaker on the Today Show and has edited in-house publications for the Australian Multiple Birth Association & International charity FNDHope. She shares her own story at Life Through the Haze and is currently writing her first book. Cathy is a mother to three children - a son and identical twin girls. 

In 2018, Cathy joined TEAM Women Australia to build relationships and advance women through the power of storytelling to inspire and mobilise change.

 You can connect with Cathy on Linked In or follow her on Instagram.

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